Somewhat notable professional wrestler JGeorge had been hyping up for months on end that he was in the process of directing a commercial that was set to air during the 2024 Superbowl I forget what number it is.

Anyways the commercial ended up not airing after an incident that could only be described as “unfortunate’

JGeorge was quick to speak to the media following the big game addressing many questions regarding the commercial’s failure to air.

“There was an incident on set…one of the actors ate a large amount of pretzels..they were a but on the dry side…this lead to some severe scracthing.”

As it turns out the commercial was intended to be for a new line of soothing medicated pretzels meant to help with sore throats and things of that elk, as of result these particular pretzels were coated in a heavy menthol.

“the menthol got in the open wounds and it lead to some burning…we had to rush the actor in the hospital”

JGeorge also stated that the incident fell more on the pretzels than his directing.

There’s no word on the Actor’s condition or how much longer he’ll remain in a coma.

As of this writing JGeorge and Kern Pharmaceuticals are currently awaiting the pending lawsuit to be settled and hopefully move on to production for next year’s Superbowl.

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