Two wrestlers now identified as Dillion McQueen and Dani Jordyn were abhorrently attacked during Zicky Dice’s Outlandish Paradise 3 by a Spiderman Cosplayer. 

Following the match between Dani and Dillion,a fan dressed as one of the spidermen characters lunged at Dillion who was on the side he proceeded to push Dillion McQueen into the ring apron taking him out long enough to get in the ring and face off with Pro Wrestling’s resident mean girl. At first it seemed as if a new tag team was forming with Dani shaking hands with the Spiderman character and raising his hand for the crowd’s approval. Anyways this was short loved and Spider-Man turned his back on Dani hitting her with the wasteland. 

Dillion took to twitter following the incident to let everyone know about the attack 

“A fan attacked me and @DaniJordyn after our match with @BrookeHavok 😳”

Dani also took the ol twitter to confirm that she was okay after the incident and it was in fact no part of the show. 

Finally Zicky concluded this wild news story by saying this: 

“I spent 13 years working with adults with intellectual disabilities. This put me in a tough spot & I feel we handled this situation as best as we possibly could without anyone getting injured. And as fast as I could. I can assure you he learned his lesson. #OP3” 

Okay that’s it nothing to see here. Byeee

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