Former Wrestler turned Energy Drink spokesman Vinny Pacifico is no stranger to big matches. Partially with the help of a mystery benefactor Vinny P has had the honor of facing off against some of Pro Wrestling’s biggest names such as, Matt Sydal, EC3, and JT Dunn. Now the Power Punch sensation is gearing up for what could be one of his biggest matches yet. Vinny teased the announcement on twitter simply saying 

” just signed on what could be one of my biggest matches yet” 

Many have already speculated whomst it could be, with the current state of wrestling the answer could be anyone. The real question is if this match will be big enough to land Vinny the standard rich and famous contract. 

We reached out to Vinny who had no comment at this regarding any possible opponents.

We are also looking into possible locations as far what promotions this could take place, in the past Vinny has competed in AEW, NXT, and Ring Of Honor.

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